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A member registered Jul 03, 2019

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Stalker Celica is both funny and terrifying! MAKE IT WORK! 

I think of all the core group being stalkerish, Celica fits it the best, especially if you pursue a relationship with Sam. Like, "why is the MC hanging out with HER more than me?!" Those two really have a rivalry going... I don't see either succubus being a stalker, Maya might just because she's hoping for more headpats, and Aspasia might just because she finds you interesting. Depending how much you tease Ina while she's in the group before heading off to Selendis Ina might stalk you for revenge pranks!

For the first one, 3k is a lot but she is weak to aphrodisiacs, and they stack. After a few manticore spikes she gets  500 hp taken away because she's so turned on, which makes it easier.

Gave this a go, I'm interested to see how this pans out. So far it looks really interesting, I'm curious to see what things like love will do once they are implemented. Biggest complaint so far is "no saving" so good start!

Added possibly meeting Arlene while in the restaurant? THAT more than anything else makes me eagerly waiting for the free version, I wanna see what that psychopath says when you work there!

I was summoned for jury duty, EEK! Pixie saved the day by saying I was urgently needed at the council and couldn't be on the jury as a result. It made the council meeting REALLY awkward with "Pixie, why is this human here??" the very first thing said, but outside of a couple of the members checking me out, nothing else of note happened. I gave Pixie a big thing of ice cream as a thank you for getting me out of jury duty! Now, if I only paid attention to who was checking me out at the council meeting....

Relating to CK, I really can't believe you are doing this solo, it's such an awesome game! 

Siofar's third challenge is a pain in the ass, if you are underleveled she WILL thrash you. Maybe it's just bad RNG but when I challenge her I do OK on the first two parts but in the third round she just slaughters me and my ally in fairly short order. No fair, someone so sexy shouldn't be so hard!

I know she's the first multipart challenge but YEESH! Is it expected to have a certain ally for that fight, or will any ally do OK? (remember I had to change computer last year, and Siofar is proving tougher than I remember - and I thought she was tough already!) Did you buff her or is she just sexy and tough?

Barring that, hoping everything is going well, sounds like the next update will be soon! 

More likely, it's in the mountain of things Indivi's still got to figure out. I asked about it awhile back and it was "I haven't forgotten it, it's just stuff needs to happen first" It will be done, but my understanding is it's a late-game area and some things in-game need to be resolved before the church will be opened up. However, I'm just a fan of the game, Indivi will be able to say for sure!

Wish there was a way to ban him permanently, that's a lousy hobby to have! Much better to play awesome games as a hobby than troll devs!

Jury duty isn't so bad, it's more "have to clear out my schedule while on it" that's irritating. At least it's only for a month at max.  I thought the ice cream tasted a little odd, maybe Pixie did sub the ice cream! Oh well, at least she actually left something for me! Wait... if this is a substitution, did she...yanno....mess with it? I don't feel any different...

I'm gone for a few weeks and find 2 updates and drama! Well, drama in "kicking pedophile to the trash where he belongs",  but still... 

I actually planned on Pixie raiding the freezer for the 2 gallons of ice cream and she actually left some of it! Something about her feeling sorry that I was forced to do jury duty and therefore had less time to go after hot babes. OR She just didn't like the monster cookie ice cream, but given she eats all the other ice cream with gusto, I think she just felt sorry for me. 

Has SubscribeStar been working well for you?

When you say that, are meaning Sam's date is bigger than you initially planned, or is it more fleshing out the idea you had with Sam? I have no issues waiting, you know that, but curious what your plan on the date is. 

Just wondering, but are you going to update the free version? Like, if latest version is .35, make .3 free or something like that. Thanks to a surprise, money is gonna be tight for awhile and I won't be able to support you like I thought I could....

Paging Cryswar.... Ashley is planning "the mother of all pranks", please make sure she doesn't do anything super crazy!

Anyway, just wanting to make sure everything is OK, haven't heard from ya lately and wanna make sure things are good! (Also wanting to make sure I fielded the question asked right...)

I was downvoted once because someone didn't like the game. That was all, someone disliked the game as it was presented and was downvoting everyone.  Assume it's the sane sort of thing here, "I dislike sex sounds in video games so anyone who asks is getting downvoted" 

Just keep making this truly wondrous game as you are doing!

"Takes Ami out for a date" Everyone's probably wanting a date with Alice anyway... Loved the little spinoff

Just wanna say I'm REALLY happy so many people came to the rescue with SubscribeStar in such a short amount of time! It shows you have a wonderful game and people are happy to keep supporting you! 

Wait a minute, I had 2 gallons of a variety of specialty ice creams here yesterday!! Where in the world...wait there's a note: "Thanks for remembering me! Pixie" UGH why do I bother with trying to keep ice cream, Pixie just eats it...but 2 gallons in 14 hours?? How does Pixie NOT have brain freeze?

It's possible you need to learn attunement first. Every 10 levels you can learn attunement which allows you to learn a new magic style. For instance, I'm a wind mage but if I want to branch to water or nether, I will need to learn attunement first. However, I'm just a player, not the dev. Cryswar might have more info for you!

I love the humor!! Not sure what the * is on some of the enemies  (like 1*) but doesn't seem to affect anything. 

"I sense a great longing, and a desire to fill the void. Your soul desires....Corrupted Kingdoms!" and thanks to SubscribeStar, we can keep playing it!

(1 edit)

You were banned because a kid exists, that is NOT a heinous breach! There should be some way to get that money that you've earned, Patreon is getting more and more ridiculous...should we start calling it the Pirate Bay as they seem intent on keeping money from adult devs?

Just wondering, Patreon is cracking down on adult games that they feel violate their ToS (even if it's something you have zero control over), are you in danger of Patreon killing DD? Two other devs I follow had their games on Patreon nuked because they dared to have a kid in the game (not that the kid was doing anything sexual, just having a kid in an adult game was enough for Patreon to scrap it) While there aren't any kids in DD, given what Patreon is doing...want to make sure you aren't in danger!

"Ina and Ashley team up to prank the MC"

That explains a few other games that disappeared from Patreon...

I don't understand why Patreon is doing a  "this has a kid in an adult game, nuking it" without checking to see if the kid is involved in sexy shenanigans or not. Because you have Alice in the game, even though you have zero intention of Alice being involved sexually, Patreon killed it? To say nothing of the MCs's kids!

I'll keep supporting CK and Pixie and her ice cream demands through here, geez Patreon really dropped the ball on this one! (Yes, Pixie, I brought a variety of ice cream for you on earth did you eat 2 gallons of ice cream so fast??)

Random observation: I have Megumin as my wizard for Stardew Valley, have for a few years. Wasn't aware I had a tie to Konosuba well before I knew about what Konosuba was! (The wording from the real wizard hadn't changed, just the sprite is Megumin) :P

And how dare you write viruses! I'm sending Aqua after you!

"Aqua is passed out in a wine stupor" 

Um, never mind...

Joking aside, hate it when things give off a false positive or "we don't recognize this so we are blocking it" I'm thinking "I know it's safe, I downloaded it from the dev's page, and it's a dev I trust to make wonderful bug free games. Shuddap Chrome"

BOO on it's only full version, I might have to donate then! Maybe after the gallery is working though... that looks real interesting!

"While Metatron...let's just say Ashley is doing her best"? Does this mean the prank war is coming soon? Does the MC want to hide behind Sarah while Metatron and Ashley are pranking each other?  Will Maya get involved in the prank war?? 

That aside, looking forwards to new content! Speaking as a beta tester, wait until you are comfortable updating before pushing out a new version. I've had devs push a new version out regardless of how smooth it worked, and some of them are "uh, this bug makes it completely unplayable". One thing if it's something that's out of the way or counter-intuitive, quite another if it's "this is fully expected that the player does this and there's a bug that stops them from moving forward". 

Hi! Gave this game a go, ands it took a little while to get a feel for the game. Also might have picked a bad combo (thief/healer..."Holy thief" isn't something I ever thought I'd see!) I do have a few questions...

I can't seem to abandon a quest, if I try it doesn't seem to DO anything. Since I was a thief I couldn't do the "kill 12 people with a swordbreaker", meaning  I was pretty much locked out of Laura's content. 

The other major question is difficulty level, if they really were all level 1 I shouldn't have much issue but the graveyard is "magic/skills/item only" and a few others were "this gets hard fast..." Maybe if I figured how to increase stats it wouldn't be so hard...

Last question: why is this so dang fun?? Even though I'm still in the "figuring things out" phase, the goblin gal is CUTE, the 4 human women are all relatable, and it's interesting seeing different groupings together. Think the "secret evil lair that isn't really all that secret" is fun to read!

This is QUITE fun! I think my only problem is keeping the insects away from the tower on levels 4 and 5 (playing the demo). Being able to balance offense and defense is important! Just have one question, what does increasing the thing on the lower right do? The left summons a bunch of leaves to make sure they don't get too close, the right one I'm not sure on, increase how much damage they do to the EVIL LAIR(tm)?

Looking forwards to more from this!

Could have sworn at some point you talked about getting Charles artwork, most likely I'm just remembering it wrong. *shrug* 

Didn't Charles have artwork? Granted this is the free 28 version, but I seem to remember you talking about Charles the priest of Badon getting some good art soon...? 

Seeing Metatron smile is always such a joy, I'm not sure what it is about seeing a legit smile from the archangel, like she's awakening her emotions and instead of being "killing machine" when you first meet her, she's more rounded and understanding. 

Just curious, suppose Ashley has .4 trust, and then something happens that is +1 trust. Is it 1.4 trust then, or 1.0 trust?

I noticed something funny, when you are watching the fireworks. At the bottom there was a bird being chased by an irate Aqua! First time I saw the fireworks I didn't see it, most likely just not paying attention to the lower part of the screen. there going to be a casino down the road, since Rin is the newest member of Gambler's Anonymous and Kazuma is the type to try and take advantage of it, somehow?

STILL struggle with mounting the rescue, the bandits are a pain in the neck to defeat! Maybe because I'm on 1.8b and Steph isn't in the party, but finding a good mix between offense and defense for the 3 others is a bit challenging!

She's weak to aphrodisiacs', and they can stack. Use items or skills that focus on that, it's usually how I beat her. Need to have willpower fairly high too, because you do  NOT want to be 100% slimed with her

I don't know if this is an oversight or what, but my female character was walking around New Ark Slums naked from the waist up, and no one seemed to care. "Hey, there's this hot babe showing off her great rack and lactating....just another day in the slums!" Is the indecent tag used just for named NPCs like Fawn? Fawn will react if you aren't dressed properly, but pretty much everyone in the slums didn't bat an eye when my character was indecent. 

(1 edit)

Happy new year! Just remember to take a break so you don't get burned out! Hoping 2024 has some great things for Divine Dawn, and that we finally see the prank war between Ashley and Metatron, with the MC going "I DEFINITELY should have just stayed in bed...but then, I wouldn't have met two sexy succs or an archangel or a daughter of Gaea or... yanno maybe it's a good thing I did go on that adventure..."

Hoping things continue to go well with ya!

So the meeting in camp called a Great Start has to happen first, then Blasphemy-ish will happen? Ah OK! Still might want to clear that up on Ashley's side though, (like instead of "Maya and Ashley have met" say "A Great start has been seen" or something)

I used to proofread for others and still do informally - comes in handy sometimes! I figured loicense was intentional, but writing makes it a little challenging to convey an accent!

This isn't so much an error as maybe explain it better. One of Ashley's conversation scenes, blasphemy-ish, the requirement is for Ashley and Maya to meet. Take Ashley to where Maya is in the floodplains and...nothing happens. Checking afterwards and...nothing happens. Maya's side requires trust of 8 for het and 10 for Ashley, is there a trust requirement for the blasphemy-ish too? This is the free version however, so many it was fixed in the paid version? 

"Metatron headpats Mays, Maya forgets absolutely everything while being headpatted" is such a wonderful scene!

Been a week, and it's different topic anyway...

Typo report! Replaying from the start, when Sam totally unexpectedly throws you into a temple where you meet Ashley, queen of pranks, and Sarah, queen of being underconfident, Asking about Nether magic, Ashley responds with "Wouldn't be much good in a war we didn't" You are missing an if, it should be "if we didn't". Yeah, it's quite early in the game, but still, reading it as it stands now is kinda jarring! A little later, when asking if I have a license for that snark, license is misspelled, but that might be intentional.

Something else, you use cursing in areas that it would be acceptable (like exasperated or stressed out) and I think it adds to the charm of the game. You aren't doing it a lot - that would turn me off, I hate excessive cursing - but when you are using it, I feel like it adds to the game. It's like it's being told from an 18 year old's perpresctive in every sense.  :)

I'm guessing we can't go after the cockatrice yet? I want my team of Kazuma, Aqua, YunYun, and Rin to beat up that cockatrice!

When I try to download 1.8C , it stops along the way, repeatedly. I tried 4 times yesterday and each time it quit somewhere along the way. Is there another way to get it (patreon still has the 1.8b)? I imagine it's just bug squishing but still...

Does having one trait over another mean anything in the long run? My character is 5 rational and as a result a few things were going the rational route. Would it do anything different if my biggest stat was shady or chaotic, or is it just flavor?

(1 edit)

Downloading, and hoping whatever $&#@ problem itch has been having on downloads is fixed (trying to dl something on itch lately results halfway in stopping) Have you heard anything on this, like if there was behind the scenes stuff to streamline things or something? It seems to be the bigger DLs though, so this one should be safe. EDIT: yep, downloaded fine!

That aside, Good to see that Ina and her companions have returned (too bad I'll have to wait till it's on the free side) and hoping we are going to see Ina pull some massive prank on the MC and then have Ashley show up and critique the prank! Yanno, because Ashley is all about the pranks and stuff, and knows that the MC doesn't mind her pranks (too much)

Are we going to see Amnelis (did I spell it right?) again? She disappears after the group gets home but I'd like to see more of her, when there's a lot more people. Like she looks at everyone and makes some kind of comment about how the MC must be shooting for a massive harem and have various responses to that. (The succubi are all for it, Ashley especially, Metatron is either confused or against it depending on how much affection with her you have, and so forth)

Will there be a reason outside of the scene with Fawn down the road, or is it there just for that scene (and making UNA look more full)?

Be aware of traps, you will have to disarm them. Chris will mention the traps (they look like bear traps) and click on them to deactivate it. That should some some of the issues!

(2 edits)

I had a weird visual error, tied to (maybe) saving during an event. I saved at the beginning of an event with Aqua (I don't remember which, but it was one of the three middle events). After doing this, every time there was something that involved Kazuma alone (sleeping or working at the construction job, for example) there would quickly be a picture of Kazuma like he was going to say something, then just continue with whatever it was. It did NOT affect anything outside of a visual bug. Starting from an earlier save got rid of it. More just "uh...OK" than anything.

Either level 8 is too low or I need to find a better combo/better luck for the Bandits because they keep slaughtering me. I can get to the rescue OK but the getaway seems to create problems. Also, the rescued gal doesn't show up at all in the fights against the brigands, is that intentional? It would be useful if she were present to give out a potion to someone or to use offensive potions...

Do like the new content!